Saturday, September 6, 2014


As far as the media publicity goes, a blog post about SaffronCoin is being written up as we speak.

The news articles on the other hand, will have to be put on the backburner for a little while, but there s a very solid reasoning behind that.

It would be best if the SFR developers came up with a mainstream feature which would allow users to buy useful/everyday items with SaffronCoin. Thinking outside of the niche box is the key focus, and I’m curious to see what the team will come up with.

By publishing a new article which describes SaffronCoin as a(nother) digital currency just wouldn’t bring the attention the team wants. If you can somehow tie the coin to an actual use for a lot of people , the story changes dramatically.

In order to develop such a feature, the SaffronCoin team has an idea : enabling mobile recharges (topups) through SaffronCoin. By using existing APIs provided by and , recharges should be near-realtime.

Furthermore, this service would only be offered for Indian Mobile Numbers in the beginning, as India is the area where the media push will take place. Expansion to other countries is a point on the agenda as well, but this will take place at a later stage.

Assuming this service will be developed, it can be accessed both through a designated website, as well as directly from the SaffronCoin wallet once this project has been completed. UnoCoin will also mention the feature , and provide a link to this service on their website.

From what we can gather, the mobile recharge feature should be available within a few days. Coinciding with the release of this feature, a SFR wallet update will be released as well. We will keep an eye out for updates and an official ETA.

Did you know India has no online store which accepts Bitcoin or any altcoin as a payment method? UnoCoin is looking to change that, by developing an ecommerce platform where both Bitcoin and SaffronCoin will be accepted as payment methods.

There is an interesting quote I would like to present to you, coming from the SFR developer :

“As you may know, Unocoin was funded by Barry Silbert for $250k. These guys are leading Bitcoin awareness in India. Their founder said that he will soon be implementing Point of Sale (POS) devices for Bitcoins. Such devices are not used for cryptos anywhere in India yet. He said that he can have the devices be programmed to accept Bitcoin as well as Saffroncoin when the time is right. He is a core follower of what we are doing and he feels we can 1 day become an official digital currency to be used all across the country.

Having POS devices is a big thing for an altcoin. I guess we are doing stuff that no altcoin could ever do. We are implementing some excellent technical developments as well as mainstream implementations. A crypto-currency just can’t go better than this.”

This would be a major development for SaffronCoin, but also for cryptocurrency in general in India. We will keep an eye out for any further information in regards to these PoS systems and other projects, and keep our readers updated accordingly.



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