Sunday, September 14, 2014 most profitable

BlackcoinPool’s speed has been greatly improved.

BlackcoinPool is most profitable for about a week now. We have already seen a boost of the mining power since the API for has been fixed since 3 days ago. Now people can see we beat all the other multipools on profitablity!

We are running over 10 GH/s scrypt normalized and if the price will keep rising, more will come! If more people join the multipool, the price will rise because of more buying power. Because of the buy power, people will see that Blackcoin is in a uptrend, and people are attracted to buy Blackcoin. This will lead that your cheap mined coins will be even worth more than it was today!

Don’t forget, it is almost the 1st of June, Coinkite will add us in 2 days. Did you ever had regret of not buying Bitcoin when it was cheap? Buy or mine Blackcoin now while it is cheap! If you want to be rich, hold your coins for some months! most profitable

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