Friday, November 7, 2014

LibrexCoin developer part of AltCoin P&D group

Late last night, while I was browsing the BitcoinTalk forums , I stumbled upon a thread where the discussion in regards to BlockNet was taking a different turn. To be more precise, claims were being made against one of the BlockNet coins, LibrexCoin (LXC) in this case.

The developer of LibrexCoin, who goes under the name of KidKrypto on BitcoinTalk (possibly a secondary/shill account), turns out to be a part of one of the biggest pump and dump groups plaguing the altcoin scene as of late. LXC Developer involved with P&D Group Altcoin Pros? For those of you who are unaware of what Altcoin Pros exactly is, this is a notorious pump-and-dump group who have been pumping various coins and then dumping them into oblivion. Nothing unusual in the world of altcoins unfortunately, but still, worrying. Leader of Altcoin Pros is perhaps one the most notorious names in altcoin history, none other than Bobsurplus. Not a name you ever want to encounter if you have any honest intnetions in the world of digital currency and altcoins.

So how is the LXC developer connected to Altcoin Pros? Well, there are two ways of proving just that. First of all, KidKrypto was dumb/lazy enough to make a post in the official Altcoin Pros thread on BitcoinTalk, which you can find here.

“This group can and will make you money. It is more a group than just Bobs although he does guild it and play a huge role. The group works together and makes things happen. I’ve been in this for 2 months and have easily doubled each month my btc investment in the coins the group markets. I’m sure at some point this group. IMO is he should charge 5btc for new members to separate the wheat from the chafe. “

-KidKrypto, October 13th 2014

The above quote also paints an interesting picture of how these pump and dump groups work. Members have to pay a rather hefty fee to get in, but in the end, they will make their money back only if the follow the herd.

Chat log where KidKrypto confirms LXC is his coin

An interesting chat log surfaced during the research conducted by several people regarding this matter. We see a conversation between Kid Krypto, where he confirms LXC is his coin. The other person in this conversation is Argakiig, the SONIC developer. No one is saying Argakiig or SONIC are involved in this pump and dump group, or any other nefarious activities for that matter. This just happens to be a conversation between these two people, and we don’t know their relationship to one another.

KidKrypto = poopielaxatixe31

Some other things are coming to light in this chat log, such as the fact KidKrypto and poopielaxatixe31 are one and the same person. Furthermore, KidKrypto admits to using his shill account to spread FUD user LongandShort. Some people have nothing better to do I guess? Furthermore, KidKrypto also admits he trolled the SDC thread because “they trolled his coin first”. All this shows to me is there are way too many kid egos involved in digital currency, and we need to start weeding them out sooner rather than later.

Official statement from the BlockNet team:

The BlockNet team had caught wind of these conversations being exposed sooner or later, and they have issued an official statement in regards to the claims made against LXC.


It has come to our attention that the people implicated in the previous smear campaign against the Blocknet are preparing another one, timed to cause a selloff on Bittrex today.

We’re unsure of the nature of the claims to be made, but since it doesn’t take a genius to guess what a malicious group of trolls would choose, we’ll venture a hypothesis.

Bobsurplus (who also goes by the name of International Rob) is rumoured to have pumped LibrexCoin (LXC). LXC is part of the Blocknet. Therefore, by implication, our guess is that the smear campaigners will claim that Bobsurplus is involved with the Blocknet in some respect. BobSurplus is not involved in the Blocknet in any respect. He has no place on the Foundation.

He has no influence over how funds are spent. And he has no role in any other respect.

We are unable to comment on whether Bobsurplus maintains contact with any of the participating coins on the Blocknet – and we have no basis to assume if there is any contact, it is of an illicit nature. But we can confirm that we have no contact in any respect with Bobsurplus either directly or indirectly on behalf of any participating coins. So in short, all claims that Bobsurplus is in any way involved with the Blocknet are false and have no basis.


LibrexCoin developer part of AltCoin P&D group

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