Saturday, October 11, 2014

SysCoin release candidate 2

The developers feel they need to do some additional testing and tweaking over the coming weekend.

Considering all the work they have been putting into the release, as well as taking community feedback to heart, they really want to deliver a proper client. No official release date was announced at this point however.

In other SYS news, a lot of projects are currently under development. Public Release Candidate 3 for the 0.1.5 client for example, which should normally pop up at some point next week, depending on how the aforementioned testing goes.

The SysCoin Blockmarket is also under development, which we reported earlier in this article. No further updates in regards to progress or features was provided, but this serves as a general reminder of things to come.

Both the iOS and Android Wallet are slowly nearing completion as well. The SysCoin Android Wallet will not be the standard copy & paste Android wallet most altcoins use, as this wallet will receive all of the desktop client functionalities as well. Some very cool stuff is expected to roll out this month, so we will keep an eye out for that.


SysCoin release candidate 2

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