Once the NEOS v2 client is released, multiple languages will be supported. English (duh), French and Dutch are confirmed at this point.
If you speak a language which could be beneficial to have in the new client, get in touch with the NeosCoin developers asap.
Another feature include in the upcoming NeosCoin client will be in-wallet trading. which will be done using the Poloniex trading API. Coding of the in-wallet trading feature has been completed according to the developers, which is good news.
The last announced feature (as of this writing that is) is an in-wallet block explorer for NeosCoin. This removes the need of using external parties or websites to check network information, and is a feature we have seen adopted by multiple other altcoins.
source: http://www.cryptoarticles.com/crypto-news/neoscoin-v2-coding-update-in-wallet-poloniex-trading-multilanguage-support-and-more
NeosCoin V2 Coding Update
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