Prime Numbers, An Odyssey
Prime numbers, a simple yet profound construct in arithmetic, have perplexed
generations of brilliant mathematicians. Its infinite existence was
known as early as Euclid over 2000 years ago, yet the prime
number theorem, regarding the distribution of prime numbers, was
only proven in 1896, following Bernhard Riemann’s study of its
connection to the Riemann zeta function. There remain still
numerous unsolved conjectures to this day.
The world records in prime numbers have been largely focused on
Mersenne prime 2p–1, named after French monk Marin Mersenne
(1588-1648), due to its long history and importance in number
theory, and the fact that modulo 2p–1 can be computed without
Bernhard Riemann
Pierre de Fermat
division for the efficient Lucas-Lehmer test. Currently the top 10
largest known primes are all Mersenne primes.
Two well-known types of prime pairs are, twin primes, where
both p and p+2 are primes, and Sophie Germain (1776-1831)
primes, where both p and 2p+1 are primes. Extending the
concept of Sophie Germain prime pairs, a chain of nearly
doubled primes is named after Allan Cunningham (1842-1928),
where Cunningham chain of the first kind has each prime one
more than the double of previous prime in chain, and where
Cunningham chain of the second kind has each prime one less than the double of
previous prime in chain. A variation of the form is known as bi-twin chain, that is, a
chain of twin primes where each twin pair basically doubles the previous twin pair.
Let’s look at some small examples to better understand these prime chains. 5 and 7 are
twin primes, 6 is their center. Let’s double 6, arriving at 12, whereas 11 and 13 are twin
primes again. So 5, 7, 11, 13 is a bi-twin chain of length 4, also known as bi-twin chain of
one link (a link from twin 5, 7 to twin 11, 13). The bi-twin chain can actually be split
from their centers, giving one Cunningham chain of first kind, and one Cunningham
chain of second kind. Now if we split through centers 6, 12 of bi-twin chain 5, 7, 11, 13,
those below the centers are 5, 11, a Cunningham chain of first kind, those above the
centers are 7, 13, a Cunningham chain of second kind. I call the first center, the number 6
in this example, the origin of the prime chain. From this origin you can keep doubling to
find your primes immediately adjacent to the center numbers.
There are also other prime formations known as prime constellations or tuplets, and
prime arithmetic progressions. Of interest to these prime pairs and formations, is that
their distribution seems to follow a similar but more rare pattern than the distribution of
prime numbers. Heuristic distribution formulas have been conjectured, however, none of
their infinite existence is proven (the twin prime conjecture being the most well known
among them [Goldston 2009]), let alone their distribution.
Prime Numbers
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